Sustainability report

In our Sustainability Report, we show how we are working to live up to our responsibility for economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Sustainability report

In our Sustainability Report, we show how we are working to live up to our responsibility for economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Sustainability at TUNAP

We are committed to preserving our natural resources and doing our bit to protect them through the ecologically sound use of resources. This not only means that we comply with existing laws on environmental protection and sustainability, but also that we try to avoid the unnecessary use of non-renewable resources wherever possible. In addition to the ecological aspect, we are also successfully developing in the area of economic and social sustainability.

Strategy and management

What values and visions does TUNAP pursue? What is our sustainability strategy and organization? What corporate social responsibility measures have we already implemented? Find out more about our company and our structure.


Products and customers

We are proud that we are already able to offer numerous innovative and ecologically remarkable product innovations. We see ourselves as pioneers in the industry. Form your own impression of our ambitious ideas for resource conservation and health.


Production and value creation

Practical use of energy, efficient and environmentally responsible handling of waste and reducing emissions are the most important parameters within our production and value adding processes.


Employees and society

We support our employees with an efficient occupational health and safety management system, through active health promotion and with modern concepts in the areas of communication and co-determination.


Annex and GRI Index

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provides guidelines to prepare sustainability reports. We based the structure of our sustainability report on the GRI index. This is useful when searching for specific topics and content.

Our sustainability team

The TUNAP sustainability team is responsible for preparing the sustainability report. The team consists or employees from the areas of Integrated Management Systems, Chemical Compliance, Research & Development, Marketing, Product Management and Applied Technology.

We are pleased to introduce ourselves to you:

Dr. Christian Späth
Dr. Christian Späth
Elisabeth Vag
Elisabeth Vag
Dr. Christoph Hochstein
Dr. Christoph Hochstein
Martin Rappenglück
Martin Rappenglück
Daniel Eisenschmid
Daniel Eisenschmid
Sebastian Grall
Sebastian Grall
Oliver Bourzutschky
Oliver Bourzutschky
Florian Wagner
Florian Wagner
Julian Wald
Julian Wald
Tabea Keller
Tabea Keller